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Prepare your heart

The Lenten season is a time to prepare your heart for Easter. During Lent, we turn an inward eye and focus on prayer, self-denial, repentance of sin. If Jesus could walk the road to Calvary and endure all of the suffering that He did, isn't it the least we can do to reflect on the sacrifice He made for us and maybe sacrifice a little ourselves? Though the season of Lent began on February 14, it isn't too late to enter in to a time of personal reflection and meditation. How is your walk with the Lord? How are you living your life? If Jesus walked into your home, would He be pleased or would you have some explaining to do? Sunday, March 25th, we will celebrate Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. I encourage you to take some time to get in to the Word. Read what transpired as Jesus spent his last days with his beloved disciples, was arrested, tortured and crucified. Take to marvel that God loved you so much that He allowed this to happen to is one and only Son. Meditate on a love so amazing that Jesus would suffer and die for you. Rejoice in the Resurrection, knowing that Death and Sin are defeated and Victory is yours, if you would only believe. I pray that your Lenten season is preparing your heart for Easter. We typically think about gifts at Christmas, but what an amazing gift we have been given. The gift of eternal life!

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